The Dept provides diagnostic services of Surgical pathology, Cytopathology, Haematology, Clinical Pathology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Immunology and Blood Bank. Senior consultants and specialists in pathology along with experienced and dedicated technical staff provide the services. We are well equipped with laboratory information system.
- Dr. Priya Mariam Kuruvilla MD (Pathology)
- Dr Dhanya Murali MD (Pathology)
- Dr. Susanna P C MBBS - Blood Bank Officer
Facilities & Services - HISTOPATHOLOGY
- Provides diagnostic services of Surgical Pathology and Haematology. These include sub-specialities like Gastrointestinal pathology, Dermatopathology, and Neuropathology. Immunohistochemistry & Intra-operative squash cytology for brain tumours, CT guided Fine Needle Aspiration biopsies and Peripheral blood smear and Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy studies are done. Cervical Smear including procedure (LBC technique), FNAC procedure (I P & OP and referrals from outside). CT guided and US guided FNAC, Fluid, Urine and sputum Cytology.
Facilities & Services - CYTO PATHOLOGY
- Cervical Smear including procedure (LBC technique), FNAC procedure (I P & OP and referals from outside). CT guided and US guided FNAC, Fluid, Urine and sputum Cytology.
- Using 5 part cell counter for routine Haematology, Fully automated machine for ESR & Urine analysis. Analysis of all Body fluids done in our laboratories.
- Laboratories with fully automated analysers using recent advances in technology. Blood gas analysis, Cardiac markers done.
- Staining procedures for bacterial, fungal & mycobactirial studies.
- Cultures of all samples including blood, Urine, Pus, secretion and body fluids.
- Automated VITEK II compact for bacterial identification & Antimicrological susceptibility testing for accurate results in the shortest possible time which maybe life saving for the patient.
- Participating in Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme.( RNTCP)
- Crucial support to the hospital infection control team.